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CWB Human Hair works only with Brazilian Hair from the South, known for its excellent quality and durability. In addition to the natural pieces, we also make them in the desired technique and send them to you!


Wholesale sales according to your need!

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Perfect hair for your mega hair


High quality pieces handpicked for you

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Choose the technique that best suits your hair!

Tic Tac

We make and we send it to you

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Clean, washed and dried hair naturally!

THECwb HairIt is an experienced and capable company.

We have all the necessary know-how for national and international sales!

Quem Somos
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  • Discover our history!
    Coming from a family business, the love of working with hair started early. Grandparents, father, mother, uncles and aunts were already in the hair business when I was born. So early on I started helping my mother at the wig and mega hair store. Years later, in 2017, already graduated in psychology and dating my current husband, César, we decided to start a new journey in the human hair business. Today located in the center of Curitiba, we sell hair in large quantities (wholesale) and individual pieces (retail) both online and in person. In addition to the two of us, we have a team of 5 collaborators to serve you in the best possible way.

Selected and high quality pieces!

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National and international shipping!

No matter where you are, we ship your hair to you.

Mega hair manual

Well done Queen, now that you've acquired your new mega hair we have some tips that will help you take care of your hair and keep it healthy!


From our headquarters to your home, the mega hair goes through a long journey, which can cause your hair to arrive slightly scattered.


So, as soon as your hair arrives, ideally you:

  1. Wash your hair gently with the shampoos of your choice!

  2. Use a moisturizing cream so that the hair is very soft!

  3. Let it dry naturally and if you want to use a thermal protector for finishing!

And voila! Your hair is ready to use!

Use without moderation! ☺️

What are our customers talking about?

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